Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My parents have been such a great help since I fractured my leg. They do big grocery runs, take the trash out, help tidy my apartment (including doing dishes), among other helpful tasks. My mom came by the other day when I was having an ant infestation. We were killing everything in sight, and moving food, spices, and counter-clutter out of the way. My mother was a true saint that day, and together we got to the source of the troubles and the little army hasn’t come back (with big thanks to the magic chalk my landlord gave me). It wasn’t hard to find most things after that because I was a part of the reorganization process. However, I didn’t remember moving my wine opener. I don’t consider that “counter-clutter,” that is a “counter-NECESSITY!”

You can imagine my growing fear as I was tearing apart my kitchen looking for the key to my heart! My $5.99 bottle of Smoking Loon Syrah was taunting me! I knew it had to be somewhere so I tried to calm myself down so my search actually had a chance. Then, I opened the last drawer in the kitchen (the one next to the fridge, near the ant carcasses) and there it was. Like a shining beacon of hope that my night was going to turn out alright. That glass (or 2) of Syrah that night never tasted so sweet.

My mother, of all people, should know how cruel it is to misplace someone’s wine opener. From now on it will forever stay as a “counter-necessity” and never be mistaken for “counter-clutter.” I’m sure you are as happy as I am that this one has a happy ending. I hope something this terrible never happens to you.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Until today...

I’m actually a pretty good driver. I do suffer from intense road rage and swearing blackouts, but other than that I’m good behind the wheel. The only accident I’ve ever had is with this small 2 foot tall wall that I couldn’t see when I was backing out of a driveway in high school. Until today...

My parking spot at my apartment is quite compact and has a nice white pole keeping me in line. Every time I pull in I watch my passenger side view mirror to make sure I clear it. I usually just squeak by. Until today...

As I pulled in I commented to myself how crazy it is that I’ve never hit the pole! My mind was really on the delicious sandwich on the seat next to me that I had just picked up from Larchmont Wine and Cheese. Then I heard it. I can’t even quite describe the sound, but it was painful. My heart stopped. I grabbed my crutches and hobbled to the other side of the car and there it was: my lovely green car now has a new, white accent. Oh, and I got the door handle, too. Don’t you worry. The car WAS in perfect condition! Until today...

At least I stayed true to form and only hit sturdy, planted, strong objects! Shit.

P.S. Oh Heeeey Dad! Yeah...I’m gonna call you about this in a minute. I think they can probably just buff it out...? Sorry.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sweet, or Savory—that is the question

I love breakfast food.
I could eat it for every meal. Sadly, when my grandmother passed away my dad wasn’t able to get her recipes. But, the one he remembers is one of my absolute favorites: Matzoh Brei. For those of you who don’t know this dish, it is scrambled egg with matzoh. My grandmother’s recipe is perfectly savory and slightly sweet with the sauteed sweet onion, garlic, butter, salt and pepper. Being such a die hard fan of this savory dish, it has always been hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of a sweet matzoh brei. Syrup or jam on my matzoh brei!? No thanks!

My boyfriend and I have often have the conversation as to which is better, and neither of us has conceded. I was having a craving, and decided to make it for breakfast. Rather than deal with a cranky breakfast partner, I made it both ways so we could both be happy and enjoy our matzoh brei of choice. It was a little extra work, but well worth our happy tummies. I’m sorry to report that I didn’t even try my sweet competition. The thought of syrup on my matzoh brei confused my stomach and head so much that I didn’t want to create any waves. I stuck to my savory and he stuck to his sweet. Maybe I’ll try the sweet version next time. Until then, I will be in my savory matzoh brei coma and be thinking about what to make for dinner.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Banana Walnut Bread By Request

I’m not gonna lie, I’m really good at following recipes. Once I’m comfortable with a dish I can get creative and add my own touches, but that comfort level usually takes about three preparations. I do, however, go free-form when I cook a Pasta Party. I learned how to do this from my mother. You basically take anything in the fridge that can go with pasta and you cook it up, add some garlic and parmesan, and you’re good to go! I actually did this the other night. My lovely friend April bought some fresh veggies for me at the farmer’s market and I decided it was the perfect time for a Pasta Party. It was delish! I put sweet onion, red bell pepper, white and purple eggplant and zucchini in a pan and cooked it up with olive oil and garlic, then added salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes to the mix. I crisped up some chicken sausage in another pan, added everything together in one harmonious bowl, sprinkled parmesan on top, and was in Pasta Party heaven!

But I digress. I found a very simple banana bread recipe online, and it turned out perfectly! Out of the three loaves I’ve made in the past two weeks (zucchini walnut, pumpkin walnut, and now banana walnut—yes, I bought a big-ass bag of walnuts and intend to use them all), I have to say that this one is my favorite! My boyfriend actually put in the request for the banana bread. I don’t usually take requests. I feel that a true chef, like any artiste, needs to feel passion (or extreme cravings) for what they make. This one turned out so well, though, that I think I might be taking more requests in the future :)

Here is the recipe if you want to try it at home. It doesn’t call for walnuts, so I just put enough in until I was happy. Enjoy!

Banana Walnut Bread Ingredients

  • 3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup sugar (can easily reduce to 3/4 cup)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • However many walnuts you want--maybe 1/2 cup


No need for a mixer for this recipe. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour last, mix. Pour mixture into a buttered 4x8 inch loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour. Cool on a rack. Remove from pan and slice to serve.

Friday, October 22, 2010

A First Time Pho Everything

I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a foodie, but I do like food. Especially good food. I like to try new things, and surprisingly I had never had pho (pronounced “fuh,” I think) until earlier this week. My boyfriend always talks about this Vietnamese dish, but never really gave me many details. So I figured I would give it a try at his favorite spot.

We pulled up to the restaurant and finally got a spot in the very tiny and very packed lot. It’s easy to miss because it doesn’t have a sign. Sometimes this can mean it is a delicious, under-the-radar spot. Sometimes it means it’s scary. I was in Hipster-ville USA, so I was banking on the first. I don’t think I’m a food snob, but I try to only eat at restaurants with an “A” grade posted proudly in their window. If they have a “B,” you best believe I interrogate the first person I see as to how this could possibly happen. True story. I don’t remember seeing a grade in the window, which is very unusual for me because I always look for it. I think I was trying to play it cool and not embarrass my boyfriend because he thinks I’m a bit of a food snob. Sorry, but I value cleanliness in my cuisine.

The place was packed. Hipsters to my left. Hipsters to my right. Surprisingly we were seated immediately (and I didn’t even have to pull out the I’m-on-crutches-and-my-leg-hurts card!). The food came very quickly and I was impressed with how large the portions were. It was pretty basic (just broth, chicken and noodles) and it was quite tasty once I added some spice. I was expecting some veggies in my soup, and was bummed when I discovered it was veggie-less except for a few onion slices. Next time I will request veggies in my pho. Pho sure.

All in all, this cash-only spot was yummy and cheap (dinner for 2 including hot sake, beer, 2 orders of pho and egg rolls for $30!)! I will gladly return to this sign-less spot in Hipster-ville USA next time the mood strikes. There is a first time pho everything! And soon to be a second.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Young, Bored and Brok(en) Leg

So, I recently broke a bone in my knee crashing the plate in a co-ed, slow-pitch, no-contact softball game, and I’m now on crutches with a full-leg brace. Idiot. Suffice it to say, this fracture in my tibial plateau has put a real damper on my exciting and delicious adventures. For all of you out there that have been on crutches, you know how frustrating it is. You have to find a new way to do almost all of your everyday tasks like getting in/out of the shower, carrying a glass of water, giving yourself a pedicure, baking homemade zucchini walnut bread...

However, the biggest issue for me has been keeping my apartment tidy. Yes, I have all of my geriatric equipment: walker with a basket, squishy chair in the shower, long reacher with a handle (best used to pinch my boyfriend)...but none of these have proven to be as useful as my desk chair on wheels. My apartment has become incredibly dirty over the last month, and it was high time to vacuum and swiffer. So I made do with what I had, and I did a pretty mediocre job. At least it’s cleaner than it was before! Now what to do about scrubbing the bathroom and paying these insurance bills...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcome to my blog

Our twenties are one big adventure, and it can be slow, boring and confusing if you don't take control. So, instead of letting myself get bored, I've decided to keep life interesting by focusing on a few things that I'm sure to enjoy: travel, food and fun!

Our lives are filled with uncertainty—will we EVER get a job? find a career we love? will Snookie ever find her soul mate on Jersey Shore? —So in the meantime, I'll focus on what I am certain about: travel, food, and new adventures. But on a budget, I'm kinda broke...!