Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm Moving!

Commitment issues.  I moved.  Check me out at

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Karen & Mel's Year of Fun!

The beautiful Melissa and I have decided that we need to take a more active role in obliterating our boredom.  We have now named the next 12 months our "Year of Fun!"  To get things started right we've packed a few fun and budget-friendly activities into our week - Thursday Pumpkin Carving (but no scary movies please!), Saturday morning hike in the Palisades to get some outdoorsy time, and Sunday farmer's market with April to get to know our new neighborhood.  Stay tuned for pics and stories!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Picking Pumpkins at the Patch!

Hello Team. It's been a while, but I'm back - slightly less bored and broke, and now in my later-twenties....

It's almost Halloween time, and we got into the spirit with a trip to the Pumpkin Patch including a tour of the scarecrows in the sunflower fields (we had our phones handy in case we got lost and had to call 911 for help, don't you worry).

Suffice it to say, I was very happy to pick some pumpkins and pretty kick-ass funky looking gourds. We did, however, miss the memo on bringing your own shopping cart or walker/seat combo to hold all of your findings....One at a time for us!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I was a chicken at my hair appointment today. No bangs. Although, I did have her put in a hidden strawberry blonde chunk so I know what it would look like if I want more next time :) That took balls. Maybe bangs will make the cut next time. Pun very much intended. Red lipstick to come. Maybe.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Red Lips and Bangs

Well, hello, again. I know it’s been a while, and I will not give any excuses. I just don’t think I’ve been as depressed and bored as I was when I couldn’t walk so I’ve had less time to blog. Wait, is that an excuse?

Let’s see...where to begin with 2011? How about my lovely ladies’ dinner last night at Izakaya on 3rd. Yum. We all arrived at dinner ready to talk and chow down. When it was my turn to give a quick catch up sesh I brought up a concern I’ve been having. I’m kind of over my face. Actually it’s more of my whole head. I’ve pretty much looked the same for the past 8 years and I decided it was time to do something drastic—like go brunette! The girls all tried to hide their disgust and shock at my suggestion with laughter. I’m on to you Mel, Elyse and Andrea. You didn’t fool me for a minute.

They all joined forces and worked very hard to talk me out of my yearning for an SJP-in-Sex-and-the-City-The-Movie-(#1)-when-Carrie-goes-into-the-salon-a-boring-blonde-and-comes-out-rejuvinated-and-fabulous-as-a-brunet moment. My idea was seriously rejected. We even had a run-in with one fantastic New York transplant (LOOOOOOOSH!) and her sisters who all thought my idea was totes crazy, as well. They all agreed that it was a much better idea for me to get a red lipstick instead. Fine. I’m going to buy one later. And maybe I’ll get bangs to go with my new lipstick.

Welcome to 2011. Next time you see me I just may have red lips and bangs. Get excited.